Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Dragon Forge Bases: test colour schemes & big first batch painted

It was probably a year ago that I ordered a rather large set of resin bases from Dragon Forge - I really liked the Lost Empires range, which has some definite Eldar themes, although at the time I hadn't quite landed on a colour scheme. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Guardian Construction: WIP 4x Squads (40 troops) & Weapon platform with magnets

Short post with some progress - I haven't taken a lot of detailed pics of assembly; I've been working on these quickly rather than carefully as I want to get through all 40 without too much effort...

Monday, 21 September 2020

Biel Tan test schemes - Guardian victims

While it has taken a couple of months to get back around to posting on the Eldar side, there has been a reasonable amount of progress happening in the background...

Friday, 1 May 2020

May Day and the Rebirth of Beltane

It seems very fitting that May 1st is the time to pick up a new blog with a new army based on the Gaelic Beltane, or May Day... that serves as inspiration for Biel-Tan Eldar.  

Craftworld Focus: Biel-Tan - Warhammer Community