Friday, 12 November 2021

Dire Avengers: Part 1

Getting underway with Dire Avengers next, and carrying the bright purples over as well. 
In principle... very much like guardians. 
In practice... a bit of additional detail to work on.

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Wraithguard progress: Part 3

Third and final section on my wraithguard - onto the alternate weapon selections and arms; which featured heavy use of the airbrush to add some funky colours to the mix. Happy with the purple weapons, and will be carrying these over to other units. 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Wraithguard progress: Part 2

While I still have a bit of pace posting catch up pics from the last 9 months... part two of my Wraithguard set.  

Friday, 29 October 2021

Wraithguard progress: Part 1

On to my Wraithguard - iconic eldar unit, of which I had 10 pewter models in the late 90s. They were one of my favourite units to both paint and use at the time and I've been looking forward to building the modern plastic kits. 

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Guardian mass batch progress & lessons learned

Finally getting some progress up with the Biel Tan army. And it's a nice big jump in completed model count with 40 troops done. 

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Weapon Platforms: batch painting part 1

Airbrush time again. Since setting up our dining table with all the spray gear isn't an everyday event, I try to get as much done in bulk as possible when I do. On the cards are 40 guardian bodies and all the magnetised weapon platform options for 4 squads.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Retro post - 1996 Avatar: Mike Mcvey was the god of painting

Long before Duncan championed the law of 2 thin coats... Mike Mcvey was fundamental in lifting the painting game of teenagers around the world. The 1994 Eavy Metal Painting Guide was an absolute tome, and I looked over every page religiously when I got my copy. Apart from the fact it was a beast in a game, the Avatar was also the final boss in the painting game and I had to commit to painting one.