Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Grav Tank Division Pt4: Decals & Assembly

The tanks are coming together - now into the finishing phase. 

I always like the point where it's time to add decals - it adds a sudden extra polish and everything starts to look close to finished. I've been thinking about how to keep them consistent across all the tanks - common markings in several spots with just a couple of differences for specific units. 

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Grav Tank Division Pt3: Detail Painting & Markings

This is where I finished up with the last post - tanks are all fully primed and the greens have been airbrush coloured. The more laborious steps now start and everything switches to a brush. 

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Grav Tank Division Pt2: Airbrush Work & Big Colours.

After a rather mammoth amount of construction work to get the tanks cleaned up and magnetised... we're now moving onto all the priming and big airbrushing. 

Friday, 3 March 2023

Grav Tank Division Pt1: Engineering & Construction

Moving onto the construction & magnetisation of the tank division - this will be 2 serpents, and 3 falcon chassis (2 prism/spinners and 1 falcon). Strap in because there were a lot of magnets and engineering steps in getting these ready for paint. 

Monday, 27 February 2023

On 2 big legs: Walkers and Wraithlords - Painting & Assembly

Breaking the War Walker & Wraithlord post into two halves - part 2 moving onto painting and putting the subassemblies together. 

On 2 big legs: Walkers and Wraithlords - Construction

Up until this point I've mainly been working on Eldar troops - that now changes with some bigger heavier support, and the things that move on big legs. Three war walkers, two wraithlords. Plus all of their many, many weapon options. Part 1 on construction & magnets.